Journal Article
“Hideo Fukumi: Medical research in the shadow of biological warfare,” Journal of Medical Biography (2023, online first).
Co-authored with Louise Lee, Jenny Yee, and Stella Lau, “Co-archiving a Ballet Repertory Course during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Dance Education (November 2022, online first; as the corresponding author).
(In Chinese) ⟨壓抑的言語與再造的身體:《香‧夭》重演之過程及其評論⟩ (Repressed Words and Renovated Bodies: The Extended Version of Requiem HK), 《文化研究》 (Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies) 28 (Spring 2019): 187-212.
(In Chinese) ⟨雨傘運動後的流感隱喻及其來源⟩ (Influenza as Metaphor after Umbrella Movement and Its Origin), 《台灣社會研究季刊》 (Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies) 111 (December 2018): 109-162.
(Bilingual) ⟨史料價值與過程批判:「研究計劃:香港舞蹈口述歷史」⟩ (The Value of Historical Materials and Criticism on the Archival Process: ‘Research Project — Oral History of Hong Kong Dance Development’), 《香港舞蹈概述2018》(Hong Kong Dance Overview 2018), edited by Felix Chan, Evelyne Wong, and Joanna Lee, 34-45. Hong Kong: Felixism Creation, 2021.
(In Chinese) ⟨「身」「 聲」不息:論高行健的多聲部戲劇實踐和理論⟩ (Move the Body to the Melody: the Practice and Theory of Gao Xingjian’s Multivocal Theatre), 《大戲劇論壇》 (Theatre Forum), Vol. 8, edited by ZHOU Jingbo周靖波, 156-186. Beijing 北京: Zhongguo chuanmei daxue chubanshe中國傳媒大學出版社, 2019.
Co-authored with ZHANG Xiaoye, “The Archived Criminal: Mandatory Prisoner Autobiography in China,” in The Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology, edited by Jennifer Fleetwood, Lois Presser, Sveinung Sandberg, and Thomas Ugelvik, 427-444. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.
(Bilingual) ⟨城市當代舞蹈團服裝部的口述歷史⟩ (Looking Back over the History of the Wardrobe Department of City Contemporary Dance Company in Conversation with Wardrobe Manager Linda Lee), 《舞蹈手札》 (Dance Journal/HK) 24.2 (Apr • May • Jun 2022): 12-17.
(In Chinese) ⟨要呼吸?還是面子?——在新冠肺炎的時代重讀麻風⟩ (To Breath? Or to Keep Mianzi? Reread Leprosy in Coronavirus Era), 《文化研究》 (Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies) 31 (Fall 2020): 276-282.
(In Chinese) ⟨衰老的想像:記《男生》的二十一歲⟩ (Imaging Aging or Fade Imagination: Rethinking Criticisms ofBoy Story), 《文化研究季刊》 (Cultural Studies Quarterly) 161 (March 2018): 60-64.