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"In-Between" is ......
a research project conducted between concept creator, Tam Suet Wa, and three collaborators: Cary Shiu, Christy Poinsettia Ma, and Paula Wong. It is a one-on-one process through writing letters and exchanging scores to understand the relationship between distance, presence, and the act of writing and dancing.
The concept began from André Lepecki's essay "Inscribing Dance", which explores the historical and philosophical relationship between dance and writing — explicitly manifested in "choreo/graphing". The project then shifted towards an exploration of this relationship from a personal perspective. Suet Wa has different personal relationships with each collaborator, but all of them share some common characteristics: born in the 1990s in Hong Kong, have experience studying the context of dance in other countries, on a journey of "leaving and returning" to Hong Kong.
The letters exchanged in this research project contain individual reflections on the body, dance, relationships and home, at different times and locations. The research also explores how letter writing becomes another form of embodied experience, allowing them to collectively experience "dance" from afar, in an age of information overload and facing isolation and separation under different circumstances. The process involves delving into writing and developing instructions about proximity, which are then transformed into movements, shaping their connections and relationships.
The website content is finally curated by Suet Wa, who edit and rearrange the contents of letters exchanged with each collaborator on different dates into conversations grouped on various themes.
Concept: Tam Suet Wa
Collaborators: Cary Shiu, Christy Poinsettia Ma, Paula Wong
Dramaturge: Dong Yan
Website design: Cheng Nga Yan
Special credits: Scarlet Yu
《In-Between》 是⋯⋯
由概念發起人譚雪華與三位合作者: 蕭子聰、馬汶萱、黃寶娜之間一對一以往來寫信和交換指令 (score) 的過程去理解距離、現場、書寫興舞蹈之間關係的研習項目。
概念始源於André Lepecki的文章〈Inscribing Dance〉,文章從歷史和哲理角度描繪了舞蹈和寫作之間的關係 (編創的英文choreo/graphing詞源上意指「舞蹈」和「寫作」)。隨後過程朝向以個人經歷的角度去切入這種關係。譚雪華和每位合作者的交際不同,但又擁有一些共通點: 九十年代出生的香港人、曾經在其他地方學習舞蹈、處於「離開—返回」香港的路線中。
此研習項目中的信件除盛載著各自在不同時間和地點,對身體、舞蹈、關係和家鄉的所思所想之外,亦探索在訊息爆炸和面臨各種不同孤立與分離的年代,寫信如何成為另一種身體經驗,讓人在千里之外共同經歷「舞蹈」。過程以進入書寫和發展關於親近(proximity)的指令,指令其後轉化成動作 (movement),塑造著他們之間的連繫和關係。
概念: 譚雪華
合作者:蕭子聰 、 馬汶萱、 黃寶娜